
Cable Boarding
Jfoto Stock Photography
by Jay Carroll PhotoGrafix
Enjoy these samples of my Photography.
The following images are placed at very low resolution. Please contact me to view additional material or if you are interested in using these images.

EMail : Jay@JFoto.com
All images
© Jay Carroll 2002

"A Poma for Boarders"

& &WakeRiderJuan84
gooLots of Jumps&toooWake Skates are popular ot Mass Air in Corners

yygog &Round and Round&the yyy &t isisGreat practice for Wakeskating

& &
gogogooRob Mapp&tgobgogoigoooRob MappotorgogogmSkate off the roof

Fun for Seniors &the yythgogogogot isisand Juniors

&Rob Mapp making it look easy

Lots more to come....Go Back to WAKESPORTS