Climbing Jfoto
Stock Photography by Jay Carroll PhotoGrafix | Enjoy
these samples of my Photography.
The following images are placed at very low resolution. Please contact me
to view additional material or if you are interested in using these images.
: Jay@JFoto.com All
images ©
Jay Carroll 2002 |
"See you out there"
n Leutholds Mt.
Hoodthen getyLLydia
Ourayydia tothen eJeff
on Elliot
King swing El Cap&the yyyThanks
Halfdome &t thisisheLunitic
Fringe &
& tn
& Glowering
the Nose&the flyWhatkins
creme &
Exum Grand Tetontheyou flyTangerine
Trip & mComeLots
more to come....
& |