GO TO Professional photographer Hanson Carroll Photographs Saltwater Fly Fishing from his home near Islamorada of the Florida Keys "The Sportfishing capital of North America" Here there is a great diversity in sportfishing from "Bluewater" offshore light and heavy tackle to "Skinny" Backcountry Flats Flyfishing for Bonefish, Redfish, Permit and Tarpon.
Saltwater Flyfishing sample rollovers
"Release for Tomorrow"
Cast GloTarpon UpRelease for TomorrowBonefish Away
Cuda FlyTarpon TugSailfishTarpon Mash
PermitYellowtailBonefish muddingShark
Shark LandingDolphin LandingTim Borski LandingTarpon2
All images ©2000 Hanson Carroll


Hanson Carroll Photography
223 Plantation Blvd.
Islamorada, Fla. 33036

Email: Jay@jfoto.com