Gorge Scenics
Jfoto Stock Photography
by Jay Carroll PhotoGrafix
Enjoy these samples of my Photography. The following images are placed at very low resolution. Please contact me to veiw additional material or if you are interested in using these images.
Email: Jay@JFoto.com
All images
© Jay Carroll 2000

"The Gateway of the Cascades"

"Listen to the River it's there"

&&Swell tthis isyethatit&& &&olu nhenGorgemoon

&yoPinkfallout &thThunjucanjumpu dnjuo&tVeintonjunju

& &
oBonnevile&thThou do & doeTslagaltheynotino & & &tToll bridge

&theyoRoweena &thThocnjuanjumpu dod &tChilko Sockeye

& &
Stacker tthis isyethatit folksfunhenGorgeset 6-87

& &
oV-Mt Adams Conboy&theytouflyMemelose &theytwytssswyetuEllioty issssw

Mt Adams Fall2 &thThonjunjucanjum &tCorridor Sunset nju
& &
&theyo && & September Blaze &thThoc & mpu dod &tHood Country mtwilhdi pu

&theyo ss& H-Mt Adams Echinacea&thThoc u dod &tH-Mt Adams Spring mtwilhdi pu

& &

V-Dog Mtn & Gorge&theytossuflyEchinacea &ssssyeuV-Gorge Set, Mitchellyissssw

&yoGorgeset 3-01 &thThonjunjucanjum &tMt St Hellensd uod

& &
oDumplings&thThou do & doeCows lifetheynotino & & &tHood Fog